According to "Malaysian Business" magazine survey, the Malaysia's 40 richest people had seen an increase in total fortunes to RM156.7 billion as at Jan 15, up from RM96.3 billion last year.
The survey also mentioned 8 new billionaires this year. The top 10 riches people in Malaysia are as follows:
Tan Sri Robert Kuok, of the Kuok Group, aka the "Sugar King", is still the riches man in Malaysia with a wealth of RM42.76 billion.
Ananda Krishnan is second with RM27 billion.
Tan Sri Lee Shin Chen of IOI Corporation Bhd's was third with a wealth of RM11.92 billion.
At fourth place is Public Bank's Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow at RM10.86 billion.
Genting Group's Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay is fifth at RM10.38 billion.
Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan of Hong Leong Group is sixth with RM7.09 billion.
At seventh place is Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary of the Albukhary Foundation, at RM6.01 billion.
Lim Goh Tong's widow Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua is eighth.
Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King of Rimbunan Hijau Group and Tan Sri Vincent Tan of Berjaya Group are at the ninth and tenth place respectively.

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