According to Harian Metro, Sufiah Yusof aka Shilpa Lee, the maths genius turned high class prostitute, has agreed to undergo counseling and "treatment" from Pisang this October, to help her turn a new leaf.
Pisang is the acronym for the Professional Islamic Support and Nurture Group or Kumpulan Penyokong dan Pengasuh Profesional Islam. It is a non-profit organisation registered in England.
Pisang provides counseling and "treatment" to those who are possessed by evil spirits or those been hexed by witchcraft etc.
Sufiah Yusof became famous in 1997 when she was accepted by St. Hilda's College, Oxford University to study mathematics at the age of 13.
Sufiah's mother Halimaton Yusof, a scientist, is from Muar, Johor and her father Farooq Yusof, a mathematician, is from Pakistan.
However in March this year, Sufiah Yusof made headlines again, but this time as a high class call girl working in England. It was reported that Sufiah, 23, charges £130 (RM829) per hour for her services as a high class hooker operating in Manchester, England.
Sufiah told the British tabloid the News Of The World that, being a social escort is not sleezy. She admitted to the tabloid that she always had a high sex drive and being a social escort / call girl gives her the opportunity to have lots of sex.
A fews days ago, a Malaysian prostitute based in Birmingham, England, Noor Azura Mohd Yusoff made headlines when she was was sentenced to 15 years in prison for killing a Chinese karaoke hostess Evelyn Xie Xing Xing.
We hope Pisang will be able to help Sufiah find the right path.
Latest: According to a local daily, Sufiah Yusof is now doing social work and is no longer working as a prostitute. Apparently she was posessed by a djinn and under the influence of witchcraft. Sufiah is now recovering following intensive treatments by experts from Pisang.
Pisang said that somebody actually cast the sihir on her to use her for something else.
Please post your comments.
If it's true that this lost sister is turning her life around, then Masha'Allah. I pray that Allah (SWT) will continue to guide her on the mustaqeem. It hurts me to see a beautiful highly intelligent sister like her to go astray the way she did. This is not to say that I'm perfect, because none of us are! We all have our challenges and mistakes, but I strive to stay on the mustaqeem as much as possible. However, if it's true that she's seeking to return to the mustaqeem, then alhamdulillah, may Allah (SWT)reward her for making that decision and forgive her of her faults. Ameen!
If you want her the best, then why do you have a dirty pic of her here? you should remove it, so others dont see it and dont get off sirat almustaqim...
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