This is a secret recipe given to my friend by her great great grandmother from Penang. You won't find this recipe anywhere else, so take note. This soup will increase your virility, improve your vitality, rejuvenate your body and calm your mind. Some people claim that it can even make a dead man come alive. Yes, its that powerful. However, please note that this concoction is for men only. According to Chinese old wifes' tales, women who drink this soup will grow a mustache, hair on their legs and chests - so beware.
Okay, enough of the small talk. Its very easy to brew this, just follow the steps. These are the ingredients:
- 1 small hak kai (black chicken), cut into 6 pieces
- 50g ginseng, any type (but not tongkat ali)
- 100g fresh Huai Shan (Chinese yam), peeled and sliced
- 50g Tong Sum
- 6 Chinese dried dates
- 1 tabespoon Kei Chi (Red Chinese raisins)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
For you guys still drinking sup kambing (local mutton soup) but without results, just try this powerful chicken ginseng soup. Then ask your wife or girlfriend to post comments here. *laughs*
[You can get the black Chicken from a supermarket and the other stuff from any Chinese medicine shop.]
Please post your comments.

If after drinking this my c*ck cannot stand, then how ?
I tried this today. Not bad....really !
tried it. delicious. is it possible to put some spring onions inside ?
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