It is believed that batin massage (a Malay massage technique) can make your penis bigger and can substantially improve your performance in bed.
According to Professor Dr Shaiful Bahari Ismail from Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital Family Health Clinic, specialists massage of the penis and testicles might prove dangerous for people suffering from erectile dysfuncton.
"Although there is no scientific research on the effect of massage of the private parts, massaging techniques carried out directly on the penis and testicles may damage blood vessels, the nerve system and even the skin," Dr Shaiful said.
However, traditional masseur Mohd Zafri Harun, 35, who has been in the business for 15 years, claimed a success rate of 70 per cent.
"So far, most of my clients are satisfied with my service. They are happy with the size achieved after treatment," Mohd Zafri claimed.
Read the full report in the NST
Batin massage also called "Chook Kan" in Chinese which simply refers to penis massage.
Big And Strong Penis Method
Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches fast and easy
Thicken your penis and have rock hard erections every time
Read this
Batin massage services have also gone hi-tech - you can find the services advertised online:
An online classified advertisement offers "Traditional Massage + Batin 11/2jam RM65" - KL price.
A website, which appears to specialise in batin massage, advertises its cheapest "package" at RM180 for 75 minutes.
There are numerous massage centres in Kuala Lumpur these days. Just look in the telephone or tourist directory under Massage Kuala Lumpur, and you are bound to find a few.
Related post - Does "Urut Batin" Improve Men's Performance in Bed ?
Dangerous Penis Enlargement Methods To Avoid
There are a lot of scams out there that claim to be able to enlarge your penis. Most of these methods simply doesn't work. Some are known to have caused serious injury. A lot of people fall for these scams because they are designed to prey on the insecurity and misfortune of a lot of men - a lot of men are simply unsatisfied, if not devastated with their current size. These are some methods that do not work:
Penis enlargement pumps
Penis enlargement pumps are suction devices that are fitted over the penis. When activated, the pump creates a vacuum around the penis and this pressure causes blood to rush to the penis, making it engorged, enabling an erection. These vacuum pumps have been used to help men who are dealing with erectile dysfunction.
However, these vacuum pumps are very easy to misuse. If used too vigorously, the pressure created around the penis could potentially cause vascular damage. It is also possible for the penis to be sucked in or pulled in to the cylinder causing injury.
Penis enlargement pills and patches
Penis enlargement pills and patches are normally seen advertised on the internet a lot. Although they promise a very convenient and discreet solution to enlarge your penis, studies show that they are not effective and are known to have many side effects that cause illness. All the current pills and patches being sold are unregulated and are not FDA approved. Apparently most of these products are manufactured in China and are sold online without government supervision.
Surgery to enlarge the penis involves severing some of the ligaments that connect the penis to the underside of your pelvic bone. The theory behind this is that since half to one third of the penis is “hidden” inside the body, thus by cutting some of these ligaments, more of the penis is exposed, and this will make the penis appear larger. The result is merely cosmetic and does not enhance your erection.
This kind of surgical procedure is dangerous - research say that there is a 70 % risk of losing your ability to have an erection after this surgery.
A method that works
So far there is only one known penis enlargement technique that is effective and safe. This is a natural method that requires some exercise - a penis enlargement exercise designed by experts. Although this is the best, safest and cheapest method, it requires you to perform this special exercise. This method is designed to encourage new cells to grow in the penis, causing your penis to grow in length and in thickness permanently, safely and naturally.
Post your comments.

does it work? :P
interesting article
omg. its kinda expensive right? i mean might as well save the money and buy Tongkat Ali. or buy porn megazines. hahahaha.
at chow kit can get rm30 also. normal rm45 but if regular can give you rm30
Batin massage is the same as ping pong issit ?
Hmm ... I don't this type of massage yet :) .... maybe in a another couple of decades :D
wow. This is something I'm really skeptical.
getting my ...... handled & groped by another guy isn't something that I fancy.
Clement - Malaysian men seem to believe in this, if not it won't be so popular.
AdrianC - Does Tongkat Ali really work ? Do you still buy porn when you can get it free online ? ;)
Anonymous - RM30 ? for a wank, maybe. LOL
Anonymous - Yes, apparently it is.
Vincent - Don't be shy, give it a try...LOL.
Seaqueen - Skeptical ? The men are apparently not. BTW, did you know there is a batin massage for women as well ? :)
tony redgrave - There are male and female batin "therapists". So you can try the female ones. LOL
Nice infor! But I don't fancy another guy 'handling' my equipment! But I don't think I need any enhancement as no complain from gf in this area. Have a nice day!
This is my first time to hear about this kind of massage..
Urgg!, No way
Hor ny Ang Moh - LOL. Im sure yours is in excellent working condition. High performance tool ?
Keeyit & Snapshots - LOL. There is always a first time for everything. :)It seems to be of high demand these days as loads of "Spas" in KL are already offering this "treatment".
My friend went for a 2 month treatment(once per week)...and he said that now he feel like a tiger in bed.
The massage done by a old indon lady. Now he no need viagra.
How come so expensive? On average it cost about RM50 only. Performed by women masseuse.
niteboss - Your friend is now a tiger in bed, you mean his penis or his growl ?
Cocka Doodle - Maybe there's a discount for regular customers (like you). That's why its only RM50 LOL joking :). Or maybe it is cheaper in JB.
everyone claims to offer the service but not all are genuine. most are just "cheap trills" massage - just a handjob. You can do that yourself lol.
Anonymous - You speaking from experience, eh ? :)
wawo very nice i will tell my husband about it if relly effective how much it cost now 2010
The penis exercise works. My housemate tried it for about 2 weeks...can see results already. I've also started it 3 days ago.
There are such massages for women, but you have to go to get a malay maternity massage woman. Difficult to find these days.
i want to try.. where i can get it.. nice 1..n petty..
any one can recomend but i only want this treatment from a woman
any nice recomendation i would like to try but only by a woman
I can provide for women
The penis exercise works. My housemate tried it for about 2 weeks...can see results already. I've also started it 3 days ago.. Nice infor! But I don't fancy another guy 'handling' my equipment! But I don't think I need any enhancement as no complain from gf in this area. Have a nice day! There are such massages for women, but you have to go to get a malay maternity massage woman. Difficult to find these days.
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