Diva reported recently that the Singaporean girl in the picture above has gone to website, STOMP, to publicly appeal for a date on Valentine's Day.
According to the report, she emailed STOMP saying, "I am Valentine, 25, and I will be turning 25 on 14th February 2010, which is Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year and also my birthday.
"I was wondering whether STOMP can make my birthday wish come true.
"I would like to have a memorable 25th birthday to remember and it's not often 3 situations can occur on a single day (birthday, Valentine's Day plus Chinese New Year), therefore I would like to have an opportunity to have a smashing birthday.
"Can you find me my Valentine?"
However, the response from netizens' was less than flattering. Apparently, 62 people out of 70 people who voted, said "no" to dating her. Most were blunt saying that she was just not pretty.
A psychiatrist when analysing her said there are 2 possible reasons for her actions. She is either
mature and self confident or she's immature and lacks self confidence.
He said if she has self confidence, she would have expected such criticisms but is unfazed by it. But if she lacks self confidence and just wanted to have fun in attracting some attention, the vicious comments will erode her fragile confidence.
Here are what some comments in support of her say:
- "I admire her openness. For that she deserves to be applauded. Guys, please do not degrade her. Look at yourself in the mirror first before saying anything negative about others. It's better to have inner beauty than beautiful external aesthetics."
- "Well, I am surprised at the bad responses she got because she's not forcing anyone to date her. For those who told her off, are they sure that they are so good-looking ? They are just being mean to her. I like her frankness and honestly, from her photos, she's definitely not ugly. I would rather have a date and have fun with someone like her than going out with a 'beautiful vase'.
- "It is a brave act to share her happiness with someone she looks forward to. Don't spoil her life with ruthless comment. We should inspired others not create despair. :)"
Please post your comments.
Not bad looking girl. I dont mind. But she's in singapore, wasted.
wah now days girls are so daring....
this girl is quite sexy looking
How do I contact her ? fat but nice. not bad lar.
Very typical singapore look with the display of meat aboover her teeth when she smiles... but not too bad looking
lizzme28@yahoo.com...contact me i will be your vall...
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