Rent A Wife Package

The Pic is for illustrative purpose only

Prostitutes in Kuala Lumpur go wholesale as the credit crunch gropes Malaysia.

Brothels and pimps in Kuala Lumpur are marketing prostitutes as "rent a wife" packages for 6 to 24 hours, says a local tabloid.

Most of these women are from poorer Asian countries. A foreign "wife" costs between RM480 for 6 hours and RM980 for 24 hours. However, the prettier ones will cost more.

Spas, massage centres, and vice syndicates in the city have started offering this new package presumably due to the sluggish business in the economic recession where the normal hourly rate of RM180 per hour has become expensive for most customers.

For regulars, the new package is more economical - RM480 for 6 hours amounts to only RM80 per hour and RM980 for 24 hours is even cheaper, at only RM40 per hour.

It appears that the brothels and pimps are selling their merchandise at wholesale prices in a desperate attempt to stimulate business. It is not known if enterprising customers can resell the merchandise to others at the normal "retail hourly rate" and make a profit.

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