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Apple has launched its latest creation yesterday - the iPad.
The iPad, which is a tablet computer, supposedly a cross between a smartphone and a laptop will apparently make web browsing, email, photos sharing, watching videos, listening to music, playing games, and reading ebooks, better.
The sleek looking iPad tablet is only 0.5 inch thick and weighs 680 grams featuring a big 9.7 inch LED backlit multi-touch screen.
Despite its looks, most technology observers describe the iPad as just a giant iPhone and are rather disappointed with it - they say many basic features are not available on the iPad.
Here are just a few of the things that the iPad doesn't have:
- No camera: There is no front-facing camera for video conferencing, and there is no back-facing camera for taking pictures.
- No phone calls — Although the iPad supports cellular networks and has a build-in microphone, you cannot make telephone calls or send SMS.
- No multitasking: You cannot run multiple applications simultaneously. Thus you can't, among other things, listen to the online radio while updating your Facebook.
- No HDMI Output: You cannot connect your iPad to your TV or a projector to do presentations.
- No USB port: You cannot plug in any other device, such as a thumb drive, into the iPad.
- No flash — As there's no Adobe Flash Player on the iPad, you cannot play flash animations, videos or games on the iPad - yes, you cannot play Facebook games on it.
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The price of an iPad starts from US$499 (RM1,697) for WiFi-only models and up to US$829 (RM2,818) for the WiFi- and 3G-enabled 64GB model.Although there is no determined date when the iPad will be available in Malaysia, Apple says the iPad will be available worldwide within 2 months from now - sometime late March, presumably.
Apple's huge brand advantage and its loyal customer base has not discouraged its competitors from introducing their own tablets, many of them running on the Google Android OS:
- HP Slate: Runs on Windows 7
- Asus Eee Tablet: Soon to be reveled, which may run on Google Android
- Notion Ink Tablet: Runs on Google Android
- Google/HTC Tablet: Rumors in the market is that Google and HTC are developing a Google tablet to run on Google Android.
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Would you buy an iPad ?
Please post your comments.
I am not going to buy one. No camera whats the point ? cannot play FB games !?? this is a shit computer.
I want one. looks cool. cant wait for it to come to malaysia. singapore when ?
will wait and see what others say....sure got others things to complain. maybe got other brans better and cheaper
too bad cannot play flash games. how come apple didn't this of this ? cannot multitask also :(
You pay what you get! Sure no such thing because the ipad price coz tooo cheap!! Try to compare with HP TX2 or Dell XT2! So the iPad is Cheap and multitouch is better! if you want camera then you can buy iPhone. Why buy iPad?
Actually seeing how popular notebooks are now and how we used the web for 90% of what we are doing on a computer the tablet could kick the paradigm shift into high gear!! Yes it will be a limited business device but as a consumer device the sky is the limit!! It's like a big iPod with a docking station that allow it to be a desktop computer as well. It'll have graphics acceleration so you'll be able to game on it and it'll prob dual boot to windows. It's a slam dunk!!
thanks for the review. i'm not sure if i'd get one cause its more like a toy without the basic features i need.
Will wait and see for 2nd generation... :D
Otherwise, for the supposed price, still prefer to get a netbook as the netbook can do a lot more, i.e. some with in-built webcam.
Anyway, it's a cool device.
yes,i agree, i think the 2nd generation gonna support adobe flash and camera. if iPod have a camera, why iPad haven't? :D
I honestly think, the iPad is just the beginning. The people @ Apple are geniuses, you can't just pass judgement, they obviously are going to evolve this machine in time, so chill. camera, i'm sure it'll come. i dont think it would fit to make phone calls, it would be too big of a phone for anyone to carry around, hence the iPhone. iPad is basically made for surfing. games are especially designed for ipad are on the apps store. you people are expecting too much from this slim machine. if you wanna play fb games, might as well use your existing laptop. nobody needs your negative remarks, if you're such a genius, invent your own machine.
apple's strategy. iPad only for those who have Iphone can make phone calls and take pictures.
its a revolutionary device! this is a movement!
and its a new category! im certainly gonna get one! who the hell are talking about phone calls? this is not a phone they already made an iphone! go get one fools! coz i got one the camera and calling is awesome! its actually the coolest phone out there! the only thing i thin to be improved is the multi-tasking! we sure will see that in the near future!
Wow, I guess this is the beginning of the end for laptops and netbooks. I'm sure Ipad will evolve in the future.
I still can remember when the desktops was new. And now an A4 paper with a whole new world inside it... Time sure moves quick.
u still can call out using wifi phones.. VOIP.. from panda
wtf..! the point is do u have a money or not..if u dont have just shut up ok! this things is just for the someone who want to be like bullshit people.. ^-~ lol..
Dear Seaman, obviously you're in the no $ category..==' and asking yourself shut up?
Guys, it is iPad. It is itself not others, has it's own identity.Think about it.I looking at it as a revolution of environment friendly paperless. And it is something gonna be a more personal machine compare to a phone because of the apps that an iPhone can't give. Yes, it is still new, a lot of apps is not been explored yet. But many, many unbelievable things coming up next, just wait and see guys. Many criticism I saw on top, don't you think all this tiny dirt size thought already concerned by Apple guys before you? Give something better to think kids. Ok, some how criticism is good to kick ass duh. Apple is not beatable, they don't look at themself in the 'competition' anyway, because they are the Leader..Bravo Apple gems
iPad is going to be a revolutionary product. Apple definitely came up with a new concept. They need to include few more features like
1. Office
2. HD / Projector connectivity.
3. In-built camera
Hey You just have to buy the USB cable so you can have it big screen. And yes. I do agree with the adobe. You should check it out urself Before you say things on The malaysian life. I presume that you have no rights so discourage the people.
Apple Product Haters = pennyless people who rant and rant about how "overpriced" Apple products are.
Try finding a netbook/laptop which is as thin with 10 hours battery life.
Oh and by the way, 4.0 supports multitasking.. so yeah, it's definitely evolving :D
The ipad is shit. Its over-priced and hyped. I think all you apple suckers are happy to make Jobs rich with his "revolutionary product" that nobody really needs.
@Apple Slave
You should be more impartial about your opinion of the iPad. Yes, may be evolving but it currently does not cater for the needs of everyone. The price might be affordable but its limiting features doesn't make it worthwhile for everyone to get it.
Apple products are popular for its design
I have just bought my iPad 6 days ago. Not a tool that you can replace laptop or net book. It's just like an expanded screen of iPod. Cannot open a lot of ms or other non apple programs. May be later. In fact iPhone can do more, but it's cool just to have one ahead of others, that is.
ipad wont have flash installed in the future, cause they targeted something better than flash html5, and multitasking is available once os4.0 is release..other than that there are multiple connectors thats allow you to transfer pictures,video,etc. from a card (card reader like connector)
I would say, iPad has its own use. We can't expect it to be everything we want.. phone, multitask, camera, etc..etc..etc... I will buy iPad for what it is now. In the extreme, probably I just wait for 2nd generation iPad. Like iPhone history, it wasn't a long wait.
Awsome you can install mostly all the apps after jailbreak.
its not a computer pun..its not a substitue for one..its an ipad n nothg else
im looking for a present for a 12-year old.should i buy the iphone 4 or the ipad? this girl is a facebook-holic fyi.or should i wait for apple to design a new ipad with flash,camera etc.
I got my Ipad 32gb Wifi only model 2 weeks back from an oversea trip.Really loves it and once you have tried it your opinion may change! If you likes to surf , email or read ebooks or look at your photos on your couch or bed do have a look at the Launch when it comes.I have a wifi router at home.
Great for my mom who i imagine would be looking for recipes non stop and my dad who would finally come over from dinosaur age and see how we live-
Its an amazing piece of equipment and you cant really judge it until you actually own one...and I do! All the same...I'd wait till December, there willbe a camera, flash and a few other features built into the new iPad and thats when I will pass this on to my kids and probably get the newer version. I actually find it difficult leaving home without it...its worse than my Amex!
U r not buying an perfect tablet PC here... u r buying an revolutionary idea here... This is wat Apple does every time it comes out with new product...
Stop critizing iPad dudes ! It's a good item. If you rather camera, go get a camera. If you rather play facebook games, go get a laptop. If you want to look cool, and be cool, kill time and all the other things that REALLY matter, get and iPad.
When Apple launched iPad in Msia, I bought for my wife a 32GB model. So pleased with it that 3 days later I bought myself a 64GB model. We facebook, email, surf, chat, everything that people do online, on our iPads. Have never left home without it since. To those who think iPads are not worth buying, you just have no idea what you're missing...
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