World Cup Final 2010 - Spain Vs Netherlands. Watch the game live on July 12th at 2:30am in Malaysia.
Who will win the World Cup this time ?
Paul the Octopus, who has correctly predicted the winner of every World Cup match played by Germany, picked Spain to win the final over Netherlands. My German Shepard, Ranger, picked Netherlands. He has never been wrong in his predictions on the matches he picked this World Cup.
Please post your comments.
Neither both teams deserve to win. Dutch not enough convincing while Spanish, who might had their best against Germany, but against a side suddenly lost form. Netherlands should be winner bcz they won all the matches till so far while Spanish, though they possession every match, they need at least 5 shots to score 1. i doubt if Holland leading 1st.
holland played too dirty, with many away-from-the-ball fouls, I talked to many people who always said Holland got the least yellow cards in the WC, well when you kick people away from the ball, chances are, you will almost never get caught, start to dislike Holland when they played in rd 16 and quaterfinal, too much acting and dirty tactics.....nuff said
Spain will win. Every team that Spain has played has sat back in defense to try and weather the attack. Netherlands will be forced to do the same, only they dont defend as well as Germany, Portugal, or even Paraguay. Netherlands are a great attacking team, one of the best, but not as precise and possession dominating as Spain. Netherlands will want to push forward to play their attacking style. But thats when Spain will make them pay.
Paul was correct again !. Spain is the winner.
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