Blog Infomation

Friday, August 31, 2007

Blogger used by hackers to spread virus

Google's free blog, Blogger, is being used by hackers who are posting fake entries to some blogs to spread a computer virus. The fake postings by the hackers have legitimate looking links to entise visitors to click on them. If a visitor clicks on the link, the virus is being downloaded into the visitor's computer. Computers infected with the computer virus is then easily hijacked by the hackers for illegal purposes. Read this BBC report for the full story.


  1. "Social engineering" types of traps will not go away anytime soon.. like phishing emails etc. As always, all internet users should practise due diligence.

  2. i heard about this too. but hackers can use other types of medium to spread virus to you pc

  3. wow this is scary. haha always practice smart surfing. dont simply whack and click on everything you see


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